Sélection d'articles en anglais / Selection of articles in English

Habegger W. V, Emert J.W. Cabri-géomètre vs. The Geometer's Sketchpad : A Comparison of Two Dynamic Geometry Systems (1993) Notices of the American Mathematical Society
40 (8) pp. 988-992, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

Laborde J-M. (1997) In: King J. & Schattschneider D. Exploring Non-Euclidean Geometry in a Dynamic Environment like Cabri-géomètre (eds) Geometry Turned On ! Dynamic Software in Learning, Teaching, and Research (Chap IV) (pp. 185-191). Providence, USA : MAA Publications.

Schumann H., Green D. Producing and Using Loci with Dynamic Geometry Software (1997) In: King J. & Schattschneider D. (eds) Geometry Turned On ! Dynamic Software in Learning, Teaching, and Research (Chap II) (pp. 79-87). Providence, USA : MAA Publications.

Bellemain F., Cappon B., Gremillion D. Using Geometry to Model and Explore Functions
(1995) Eightysomething! Vol. 5 (1), 8-9, Texas Instruments.

MASON J. Geometrical Tools (1992) Micro Math 8 (3), Association of Teachers of Mathematics.

MASON J. et Q. Pythagoras in Cabri-géomètre (1991) Micro MATH, vol.7, n°2, 15-17.

Dossier Cabri-géomètre dans Micro MATH, vol.8, n°2
What is Cabri-géomètre? BLOOMFIELD A. (1992) Micro MATH, vol.8, n°2, 23-24.

ROGERS L. Approaches to Cabri (1992) Micro MATH, vol.8, n°2, 25-26.

FAUX G. Cabri-géomètre and nomograms (1992) Micro MATH, vol.8, n°2, 27-29.

Capponi B., Sutherland. Trigonometry with Cabri in a French Classroom (1992) Micro MATH, vol.8, n°2, 32-33.

Phillips R., Selinger M. Initial reactions (1992) Micro MATH, vol.8, n°2, 34-36.

TAHTA D. Curricular Configurations (1992) Micro MATH, vol.8, n°2, 37-39.